We are here to help low to moderate income families.
Income Based Rate Units
Please, don't worry. We can still help you, even if your income exceeds the limits.
Market Rate Units
No income restrictions applied
To qualify for this rate, your household income needs to be below the set limits. Please click "Future Residents" to find out more details.
No maximum income limits are set for this rate. The standard qualification process still be applied.
$750 (1 bed units)/ $850 (2 bed units)/ $950 (3 bed units)
$425, Non-refundable pet deposit per pet
1 BR | 2 BR | 3 BR |
$82 | $105 | $128 |
We are here to help low to moderate income families.
Number of Household | Income Limits |
1 | $42,650 |
2 | $48,750 |
3 | $54,850 |
4 | $60,900 |
5 | $65,800 |
6 | $70,650 |
Student Eligibility/
Assets Form/
Consent Form
Supporting Documents:
Please, don't worry. We can still help you, even if your income exceeds the limits.
No income restrictions applied
A g e – Lease holder(s) must be 18 years or older, unless head of household. All occupants 18 years or older are required to complete an application, even if living with parent or guardian.
O c c u p a n c y S t a n d a r d – A maximum of two persons per bedroom are allowed. Persons under eighteen (18) months of age are not considered in this calculation.
I n c o m e —Gross monthly income of all lease holder(s) must equal or more than 3 times the monthly rental amount. All income must be verifiable. Income does not include allowance from parents, scholarships, or study subsidies.
E m p l o y m e n t — Applicant must 1) be employed with current employer for at least six months; 2) have current job and at least six months employment with previous employer; or 3) receiving retirement benefits, government benefits, or any other verifiable and consistent income.
B a c k g r o u n d — No applicant, resident or occupant may have been indicted, arraigned, or convicted of a felony charge. Backgrounds on all adult occupants will be checked.
C r e d i t — Minimum of 600 credit score required. Unsatisfactory credit references or no credit history may result in the requirement of an additional deposit or denial.
A p p l i c a t i o n F e e —A $50 non-refundable application fee is required per person over the age of 18 years.
S e c u r i t y D e p o s i t — Listed under Floorplans
A n i m a l s – Only 1 pet per apartment is permitted. Dogs whose breed or dominant breed weight exceeds 30 pounds at maturity are not accepted. Exotic animals and reptiles are not accepted. Additional restrictions may apply. Support animals are not considered pets and are allowed to reasonably accommodate a handicapped leaseholder or occupant. Pet deposits are $400 for 1 pet; $600 for 2 pets and they are non-refundable.
I n s u r a n c e -- All residents are required to carry a rental insurance during the lease.
Enclave on Independence will take reasonable steps to ensure that persons with Limited English Proficiency (LEP)
have meaningful access and an equal opportunity to participate in our services, activities, programs and other
benefits. The policy of Enclave on Independence is to ensure meaningful communication with LEP
applicants/residents and their authorized representatives involving their application process. The policy also
provides for communication of information contained in vital documents, including but not limited to, waivers of
rights, consent to treatment forms, financial and personal information forms, etc. All interpreters, translators and
other aids needed to comply with this policy shall be provided without cost to the person being served, and
patients/clients and their families will be informed of the availability of such assistance free of charge.
Language assistance will be provided through use of competent bilingual staff, staff interpreters, contracts or formal
arrangements with local organizations providing interpretation or translation services, or technology and telephonic
interpretation services. All staff will be provided notice of this policy and procedure, and staff that may have direct
contact with LEP individuals will be trained in effective communication techniques, including the effective use of an
On an ongoing basis, Enclave on Independence will assess changes in demographics, types of services or other
needs that may require reevaluation of this policy and its procedures. In addition, Enclave on Independence will
regularly assess the efficacy of these procedures, including but not limited to mechanisms for securing interpreter
services, equipment used for the delivery of language assistance, complaints filed by LEP persons, feedback from
residents and community organizations, etc.
Under the U.S. Fair Housing Act and Texas Fair Housing Act, no one may take any of the following actions in the sale and rental of housing or in mortgage lending based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability or familial status.